Contextual Inquiry 


To better understand our users' needs, we performed a Contextual Inquiry with multiple people. First we gave them a specified task. We then used the Guided Tour IDEO method to accompany the users as they performed the task, narrating where they were going, what they were doing, and how they made their decisions. We then asked some questions from a list we defined in order to ensure some common questions were either observed or answered. Sessions were recorded and later transcribed. 

Task Prompt

We handed users 5 recipes with various ingredients. We asked them to plan as if they were preparing to make those recipes in the coming days. This included checking their pantries, refrigerators, and freezers to ensure they had the appropriate ingredients in the proper quantities.

Below are the recipes we used, sourced from our group members:

The follow-up questions were as follows:


J1 and A1

User Research Transcriptions - J1 and A1.pdf

M1 and T1

User Research Transcriptions - M1 and T1.pdf


Transcript - P1.pdf


Transcript - P2.pdf




Transcript - Zach - S1.pdf


Transcript - Zach - S2.pdf