Top 3 Designs

Option 1

This design is based more for the visual thinker. Images of items are on the Grocery List and Inventory to help users ensure they're finding the right product. The Grocery List is laid out in a grid to let the images help. Expiration calendar is also broken down into calendar view to help people visualize it. Home inventory is broken into visually distinguishable Spaces.

Option 2

This design is a little more broken down by function. Buttons on the Expiration Calendar allow users to remove expired items from inventory, add fresh ones to the shopping list, or both, along with convenient filter options. Grocery List is essentially a staging ground for items where, once purchased, items can be selected in bulk and moved to an inventory Space.

Option 3

Option 3 thinks of Home as "What's in my Home", displaying user-selected images pertaining to each inventory space. They can also choose to just go to Pantry view to view all their items, though these can still be filtered or sorted by space. Option 3 also starts to answer the question "how could we monetize this?"

The search is agnostic to where you're accessing it from, allowing you to add to the Pantry or Grocery List straight from the Results grid.