Representative Tasks

Discussion: add in a keyword search option, so users don’t need to scroll through every item on their list. If an ingredient isn’t found add an option to add it to the shopping list. 

Discussion: have a way to prioritize items in a shopping list will allow users to finish shopping earlier. Many items in her pantry need to be purchased weekly. There are non -perishable items that can be bought in bulk too. Low priority items can be purchased on a later date

Discussion: users may want to share their shopping lists with a partner. Create an option to send their grocery list to phone contacts.

Discussion: there are many items in the store. Use pictures along with item name to help users quickly find specific food items  

Discussion: This means a solution should include an option to add an item to a shopping list, that already exists in the pantry.

Discussion: A solution also needs to be able to remove items from a shopping list. It should be able to remove a selected quantity of the item, rather than removing an item altogether. 

Discussion: Lists and inventories need to be visible to all stakeholders in the household. It may also be helpful to see who added an item, especially in households of 3 or more adults.

Discussion: Being able to account for many items quickly and in bulk quantities is important. It may also be helpful to see where items are in one’s pantry inventory, especially for dry goods or items that a family stocks up on.

Discussion: Being able to identify which items are still available and which are now gone is a requirement. Being able to see which items were recently marked as out of stock can help build grocery lists.

Discussion: Keeping track of when an item was purchased can help to keep track of whether or not to re-buy perishable goods. Awareness of expiration dates can also influence this.

Discussion:  The system should tell you what you have in your pantry and maybe it could include where these items are located within your cupboards or pantry so you have a better idea of where to look for the item.

Discussion: The system could include a reminder what what you own, especially if it is something you have had in there for a while. It would also be good to remind you that maybe it is something you already ate or used and it can be removed from your inventory if you forgot to remove it while making food.

Discussion: The system should have a list of items with their expiration date so the subjects are able to know exactly when these items go bad and be notified when they do. Then they can get rid of things as they come up and won’t think they have any items and come to find out it is expired.

Discussion: Maybe there's a bulk item section in the app that can track when you are running low on the items you bulk buy so you know to get more of them.

Discussion: Having a grocery list function that is cross referenced with what is already in the pantry. This would result in less mistakes in purchasing.

Discussion: Being able to easily share a list through SMS, Messenger or WhatsApp all at once.

Discussion: Being able to easily check quantity of items when not at the house.