Survey Results

The following data was compiled by measuring the responses to our anonymous survey powered by Qualtrics using the built-in Report functionality. Data was collected over the course of roughly 1.5 weeks. Some visualizations were modified to better fit the type of questions and data, but no data was modified in the process.



Note that respondents were largely located in or near Michigan. This finding may not able to be generalized to a wider national population.

Taken together, this presents a potential gap that an application could solve for.

This means that any app entering that market needs to have a strong differentiator or value proposition to get users to try one.

This may present an opportunity for a differentiator: ease of use.

This means these are likely the age ranges to target for a pantry management smartphone application.

Women are also more likely to be the primary grocery shopper in multi-person households per statista. Combined with the previous question, our primary target demographic will likely be women between the ages of 26-50.

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